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Hand crafting log cabin


Проекты домов из бревна Aerated concrete house projects

Проекты домов из бревна Garage projects

Проекты домов из бревна Log bath projects

Проекты домов из бревна Log house projects











The Best House company offers the production and construction of wooden houses from the northern forest: houses made of round logs, solid square log and laminated square log, houses of manual felling, frame houses and panel houses. For the production of houses we use the winter forest of the European north and Siberia. Wooden houses are characterized by a healthy microclimate: lack of humidity, good air exchange with the environment, good thermal insulation – they are warm in winter and cool in summer. Wooden houses have a low weight and, therefore, they require foundations with less bearing capacity and accordingly less expensive and faster to build. Houses made of wood are earthquake resistant. Wooden housebuilding has deep historical roots in Russia. Over the centuries, the experience of building wooden houses has been accumulating and the construction has been perfected. An example of this are the samples of wooden architecture presented in Kizhi, Malye Karely, Kondopoga and other places of the Russian North. Houses made of wood were built in Russia as well as in North America, Scandinavia mainly from logs. In Western Europe, wooden houses were mainly built on a frame technology (fachwerk). In modern wooden house-building, we have put together centuries of experience and new technologies.   If you need a unique house, we can design and build it for you. If you prefer a more economical option, you can choose one of the existing projects. Our professional architects and engineers know the best way how to realize your dream of an ideal home.


Архитектура деревянных домов. Architecture of wooden houses. Projects

Строительство домов из бревна Строительство домов из бревна




Design and construction of stone and wooden houses. fone
+1 7473662981


Каменные дома. Aerated concrete house projects

Каменные дома. Garage projects

Каменные дома. Log bath projects

Каменные дома. Log house projects






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